Affordable Housing and Groceries Act

Royal assent received

December 15, 2023 (a year ago)
Canadian Federal
Chrystia Freeland
House of Commons
Royal assent
6 Votes
Full Title: An Act to amend the Excise Tax Act and the Competition Act
Housing and Urban Development
Social Issues


The Affordable Housing and Groceries Act introduces changes to the GST New Residential Rental Property Rebate and amends the Competition Act to enhance market oversight. The bill aims to stimulate new rental housing construction through temporary tax rebates and to improve market competition via stronger regulatory measures.

What it means for you

  • Renters: There may be more affordable housing options as the bill aims to encourage the creation of new rental properties.
  • Property Developers: Those involved in constructing rental properties may see a temporary financial incentive through rebates.
  • Small Businesses: Changes to the Competition Act could potentially increase regulatory scrutiny on their operations, which might affect their costs and operations.


  • The short-term impact on government revenue is an expected loss of GST income due to the enhanced rebates, although supporters argue that long-term savings could result from stabilizing housing costs.
  • Increased operational costs for businesses might arise from the need to navigate more complex regulations and potential penalties under the amended Competition Act. Smaller businesses could face disproportionately higher costs relative to their size.

Proponents view

Supporters believe that the housing market needs stimulation due to a crisis in affordability. The improved rebate is seen as a necessary step to incentivize the construction of rental properties, leading to increased supply and potentially lower rental prices. They argue that the amendments to the Competition Act will lead to fairer pricing and better consumer choices, as more transparent regulations prevent anti-competitive practices.

Opponents view

Critics argue that the temporary tax rebate may not lead to sustainable changes in the housing market and could instead raise property values further, exacerbating affordability issues. They express concern that the enhanced regulatory measures could overreach, stifling legitimate business practices and reducing investment in important sectors, particularly for smaller firms that may struggle to comply with additional scrutiny and financial penalties. The temporary nature of the housing measure is also seen as insufficient to tackle chronic housing problems.

Original Bill


Vote 456

That the bill be now read a second time and referred to the Standing Committee on Finance.

For (96%)
Against (0%)
Paired (4%)
Vote 472

The information is not available at this time.

For (43%)
Against (53%)
Paired (4%)
Vote 473

The information is not available at this time.

For (96%)
Paired (4%)
Vote 606

That the bill be now read a third time and do pass.

For (99%)
Paired (1%)
Vote 474

That Bill C-56, An Act to amend the Excise Tax Act and the Competition Act, as amended, be concurred in at report stage [with a further amendment/with further amendments].

For (96%)
Paired (4%)
Vote 471

The information is not available at this time.

For (43%)
Against (53%)
Paired (4%)