Encouraging the Growth of the Cryptoasset Sector Act

Bill defeated

February 9, 2022 (3 years ago)
Canadian Federal
Michelle Rempel Garner
House of Commons
Third reading
1 Votes
Full Title: An Act respecting the encouragement of the growth of the cryptoasset sector
Technology and Innovation


The Encouraging the Growth of the Cryptoasset Sector Act seeks to establish a national framework to support and regulate the cryptoasset industry over three years. It aims to lower entry barriers while ensuring protections for individuals involved in the sector, with input from experts across provinces and territories.

What it means for you

Investors, existing businesses, and potential new entrants in the cryptoasset sector may be affected by this bill. While the hope is for a more structured environment that attracts innovation and investment, individuals may also face risks if sufficient protections are not put in place. Staff and regulatory bodies will be impacted as they adapt to and enforce new guidelines.


The financial implications could involve significant spending from the government to develop and implement the framework, which may ultimately fall on taxpayers if returns do not materialize as anticipated. Continuous administrative costs could also arise from maintaining oversight, which may stretch public resources. On the individual level, investors may incur losses in volatile market conditions if consumer protections are inadequate.

Proponents view

Supporters advocate for this bill as a forward-thinking initiative that could position the country as a leader in the growing digital economy. They believe that a defined framework will stimulate innovation, attract investment, create jobs, and ultimately contribute to higher tax revenues. The collaborative consultation process is seen as essential to building an adaptable and beneficial regulatory environment.

Opponents view

Critics argue that while the intent is positive, the potential risks could outweigh the benefits. There are concerns that lowering entry barriers may invite insufficient oversight leading to scams and volatility that could harm inexperienced investors. Additionally, the fear of taxpayers shouldering the financial burden of the framework's development looms large, particularly without guaranteed economic benefits. Questions about the adequacy of regional participation and the potential for a fragmented regulatory landscape add further skepticism regarding the bill's overall execution.

Original Bill


Vote 222

That the bill be now read a second time and referred to the Standing Committee on Finance.

For (36%)
Against (61%)
Paired (3%)