Stricter Laws Ahead

Royal assent received

December 5, 2023 (a year ago)
Canadian Federal
Arif Virani
House of Commons
Royal assent
0 Votes
Full Title: An Act to amend the Criminal Code (bail reform)
Criminal Justice
Social Issues


The proposed amendments to the Criminal Code aim to enhance public safety by changing how violent crimes, especially those involving weapons and intimate partner violence, are handled. A significant change is the introduction of a reverse onus provision, which places the burden of proof on individuals charged with serious violent offences who have prior convictions within the last five years.

What it means for you

This bill may impact various groups, including victims of violence who may feel safer with stricter laws, as well as individuals with criminal records who could find it more challenging to defend themselves in court. Marginalized communities may also feel the effects, raising concerns about potential inequities and systemic bias in the application of the law.


Implementing these changes could increase expenses for the court system as it may require more resources to address the anticipated rise in cases and legal challenges stemming from the reverse onus provision. There may be additional costs if legal woes escalate for those accused. Supporters argue that the long-term reduction in violent crime might offset initial financial strain, but critics worry about the immediate pressure on public budgets.

Proponents view

Supporters of the bill believe it is necessary to deter repeat offenders and enhance community safety. They highlight that stricter accountability measures are called for in light of rising violence, especially involving firearms and intimate partner issues. The inclusion of victim and community safety considerations is seen as a way to ensure that justice aligns with public needs.

Opponents view

Critics argue that the reverse onus provision undermines the presumption of innocence and may lead to unfair discrimination, especially against marginalized groups. They worry about potential wrongful accusations and the risk that subjective interpretations in judicial processes could result in inconsistencies. Additionally, they express concerns that the increased burden on the court system could lead to delays and complicate the provision of justice for all.

Original Bill